Fairtrade Fortnight 2021

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Chose the World You Want

A Festival of Climate, Fairtrade and You!

For two weeks each year, people in the UK join to share the stories of the people who grow our food and drinks. People who are often exploited and underpaid. This year we focus on the climate crisis and its threat to the livelihoods of farmers and workers. Deforestation, changing weather patterns, rising temperatures and lack of water is an increasing problem.

The Climate Crisis

The smallholder famers in developing countries are affected the most by climate change despite contributing to it the least. They say it is their biggest challenge right now.

Fairtrade farmers have seen crops completely devastated. It is predicted that by 2050 as much as 50 percent of land currently used for coffee farming will no longer be suitable. Cocoa growing regions in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire will become too hot to grow the crop.

There is hope, but we need to act now.

We need to help famers adapt and develop more sustainable farming methods. But this comes at a cost that the farmers can not afford as so many farmers do not even earning a living wage.

Prices of some of our basic foods need to increase so farmers can escape poverty and be able to afford the changes they need to make in their farming practices. More money means more climate resilience into the future.

Fairtrade is supporting farmers to improve their livelihoods. They have strength from working together and the protection of a minimum price and Fairtrade Premiums. Buying Fairtrade means you are supporting a global fight for climate justice.

Join the Free Fairtrade Fortnight Online Festival Here

From 22 February to 7 March the festival will include:

Farmers and workers will tell us about the challenges they face and how they want to change things for the better.

Farmers and other experts will discuss what we can do to choose a better future for all of us.

Talented artist from around the world will share music, art and entertainment.

Fun interactive workshops will explore how we can live more sustainable lives here in the UK